Myth Backyard Chickens are Only for Rural Areas

Backyard Chickens, it’s not just for the sticks.
Over the past decade, the trend of raising backyard chickens has become increasingly popular throughout the United States. What many people may not realize is that this practice has been permitted in many large cities for quite some time. In fact, 93% of the most populated cities in the country allow the raising of backyard chickens. This not only promotes sustainability and self-sufficiency but also fosters a deeper connection with nature and encourages healthier living practices. If you live in a densely populated area, here are some cities where you can legally raise your own chickens.

Austin, TX Berkeley, CA Boca Raton, FL Boston, MA  Charlotte, NC Chicago, IL Denver, CO Houston, TX Las Vegas, NV Los Angeles, CA Milwaukee, WS Minneapolis, MN  Nashville, TN New York City Orlando, FL Phoenix, AZ Princeton,NJ Sacramento, CA San Diego, CA Seattle, WA  Washington, DC


Myth Chicken Coops are Unsightly


Myth Residents with Backyard Chickens Neglect Their Property