Take Action by Contacting the Village of Norridge Board of Trustees to Strongly but Respectfully Advocate for Backyard Chickens.

Here are three great ways to contact the Village of Norridge

1. Go to the Monthly Village Board Meeting click here for the www.villageofnorridge.com/our-village/event-calendar

Regular Board Meetings Held at 6:30 PM in the board room of the Norridge Village Hall, 4000 N. Olcott Avenue

August 23, 2023 September 27, 2023  October 25, 2023 November 8, 2023 December 13, 2023

2. Use their convenient online contact form by clicking here www.villageofnorridge.com/our-village/contact-us

3. Take pen to paper and draft a letter and address it to:

Village of Norridge

4000 Olcott Avenue

Norridge, IL 60706

When stating your interest in backyard chickens, politely but clearly articulate your reasons for supporting this initiative. Remember to mention your name, address, and reasons why you believe allowing backyard chickens in Norridge would be beneficial!

Need a little help writing what to say?

Dear Village of Norridge Trustees,

As a proud resident of Norridge, I am delighted to express my wholehearted support for the proposed modification to our town's ordinance that would permit backyard chickens. I firmly believe that the proposal put forth by the CLUCK organization, which intends to allow 3-5 hens (without roosters), is a brilliant, forward-thinking move that aligns with modern values and sound reasoning. Backyard chickens offer an invaluable source of fresh eggs, which is a significant benefit for families who are health-conscious and appreciate the value of locally sourced food. Moreover, these feathered friends can provide an excellent opportunity for educational experiences, especially for children who can learn about food production, animal care, and sustainable living practices. Additionally, backyard chickens contribute significantly to waste reduction and help control pests in a natural and eco-friendly way. I am thrilled to anticipate the positive impact that this welcome change will have on our community.

Thank you

Dear Village of Norridge Trustees,

As a proud resident of Norridge, I am thrilled to support the proposed change to our town's ordinance to allow backyard chickens. The CLUCK organization's mission to allow 3-5 hens (no roosters) is a fantastic idea that aligns with modern values and common sense. Backyard chickens are an incredible resource for fresh eggs, and they also provide unique learning opportunities for families. Furthermore, they play a significant role in reducing waste and naturally decreasing pests. I am excited about this change and look forward to its positive impact on our community.

Thank you

Dear Village of Norridge Trustees,

As a Norridge resident, I am happy to show my support for the proposed modification to our town's ordinance that will allow backyard chickens. I firmly believe that the CLUCK organization's idea to allow 3-5 hens (without roosters) is a brilliant move in line with modern values. Backyard chickens are a valuable resource for fresh eggs and offer exceptional educational opportunities for families. In addition, they contribute significantly to waste reduction while naturally controlling pests. I am eagerly anticipating the positive impact this forward-thinking change will have on our community.

Thank you