Who We Are

Advocating for Responsible Backyard Chicken Keeping at CLUCK for Norridge

At CLUCK for Norridge, we firmly believe in promoting the lawful and responsible keeping of backyard chickens. As of today's date, our organization is diligently working towards fostering a positive change in the Village of Norridge's current ordinance. Our primary goal is to push for an amendment that allows for the raising of 3-5 hens while prohibiting the inclusion of roosters.
Why backyard chickens, you may ask? Well, there are numerous benefits to keeping these feathered companions in your own backyard. Beyond their delightful presence and the joy they bring to their owners, backyard chickens provide opportunities for sustainable living, educational experiences, and a connection to nature. They allow individuals and families to actively participate in their food production, fostering a true sense of self-sufficiency and understanding of where food comes from.
However, we must acknowledge the importance of responsible chicken ownership. At CLUCK for Norridge, we strive to ensure that prospective chicken owners have access to the necessary support, education, and resources to foster a safe and responsible environment for their hens. Through online resources, we seek to equip interested individuals with the knowledge needed to provide for their chickens' welfare and to navigate any challenges that may arise.
By advocating for a revised ordinance that permits the keeping of 3-5 hens, without roosters, we aim to strike a balance that respects the needs and concerns of both chicken owners and other residents in our community. It is crucial to acknowledge that roosters can be noisy and disruptive, which is why the proposed limit solely focuses on hens. This approach ensures a harmonious coexistence within our neighborhoods.
Through collaboration with local officials and continuous engagement within the community, we are determined to facilitate the necessary changes in Norridge's ordinance. We believe that collective efforts can yield positive outcomes for the entire Norridge community, allowing responsible chicken keeping to flourish for those who desire this enriching experience.
We encourage all residents who are interested in joining our cause to reach out to CLUCK for Norridge via email or message us on Facebook . By uniting our voices and sharing our experiences, we can firmly demonstrate the benefits of backyard chicken keeping while addressing any concerns or misconceptions that may exist.